Support City Theater

We need your help to continue our tradition of presenting outstanding performing arts events and to support the maintenance of our historic opera house!

Become A Friend of City Theater

A Gift to City Theater

The full, colorful history of Biddeford City Theater is unfortunately a story that has become commonplace throughout the country – magnificent opera houses falling into disrepair, but being lovingly resurrected by tireless volunteers and through generous contributions from individual theater enthusiasts and business patrons alike.  If you would like to see City Theater continue to move forward in the community, please consider donating.

City Theater encourages donations via cash, check, or
credit card; personal fundraisers; gifts via donor-advised funds; employer match; stocks and other securities; and more.

If you have questions regarding donation opportunities, please email [email protected]

Donations can also be submitted via mail:

City Theater Associates Inc.

Post Office Box 993,

Biddeford ME 04005

Please note that all contributions to City Theater are fully tax-deductible, and will help to ensure that a cultural tradition of over 125 years continues in our community.

A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, City Theater Associates, Incorporated is grateful for all contributions we receive from our generous supporters.

Backstage of the theater

Volunteer With City Theater

City Theater relies on volunteers to create each production and assist with the performances that fill the theater year round.

If you’re interested in learning more about volunteering at City Theater, please email [email protected].

Sponsorship and Advertising

City Theater relies on support from the business community and private foundations, in addition to ticket revenue and individual philanthropy, to thrive as a premier performing arts venue in Southern Maine.

17,000 people attend City Theater events as patrons to see our award winning performances, cultural events, concerts, and films, in our restored opera house.

For questions or more information on how your organization can advertise at City Theater, please review our 2024-2025 Season Sponsorship Guide and 2024-2025 Season Sponsorship Levels  or email [email protected].

All contributions to City Theater are fully tax-deductible (FEIN # 01-0351796).

Contributions of in-kind gifts, materials and services are also welcome.

current city theater

City Theater extends our gratitude to the loyal season sponsors, show sponsors, & advertisers. There are many sponsorship and ad levels available to local businesses, with benefits such as:

Our Sponsors

We thank our Sponsors for their generous support. Please show your appreciation by patronizing their local businesses.

Please email [email protected] for more information.

Season Underwriter

Season Sponsors

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Show Sponsor

Orchestra, Sets and Costume Sponsors

Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn

Show Sponsor

Orchestra, Sets and Costume Sponsors

I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change

Show Sponsor

Orchestra, Sets and Costume Sponsors

Murder on the Orient Express

Show Sponsor

Orchestra, Sets and Costume Sponsors


Show Sponsor

Orchestra, Sets and Costume Sponsor

Bar and Concessions Sponsors

Ticketing Sponsor

Website Sponsor